An Omaha senior and a vintage Porsche, Brett - Class of 2021
As we were in the planning stages of Brett’s senior portraits, his mom sent me an email that had me humming the James Bond soundtrack until the day of his session. The email read something like, ‘We are going to throw in one curveball, we have a friend who has been restoring a vintage Porsche and Brett would like to have his photo taken with it..” Ummmm…yes, please!!
I grew up knowing more about cars than the average female, as I watched my dad tinker in his garage on his Chevy Camaros, rebuilding engines, spending our summer weekends attending car shows and just for fun, driving through car lots looking at the shiny new cars. So the idea of a senior portrait session with a classic car had me giddy and thinking of All. The. Things.
So, I set to work building a session that would incorporate all of the things that were important to Brett: athletics - specifically football & baseball, an urban feel, and of course, The Porsche. Let’s start with the first two - finding an area of downtown with some really fun wall murals and even baseball stadium seats was the perfect fit!
I meet with all clients ahead of your portrait session so that we can get to know each other, talk about your dreams and goals for the session, and I can also let you see my work and the different art products that I offer. Seniors also have a special questionnaire that I send so that I can get an even better idea of your personality and what you want to capture during this special time in your life. And sometimes, I have just a little bit of luck as I plan a session to encompass everything. As we were going through Brett’s reveal session, it turns out his baseball number is 22. Notice those numbers anywhere? :-)
As we wrapped up shooting downtown, we headed further west to the location I found where we could park the Porsche safely and away from crowds. A quick outfit change into a tailored suit, and Brett was ready for the last part of his session. His older brother even joined him and got in for a few pictures. One of my favorite shots of the session was when I said my famous last words as a photographer, “Can we try just one more shot?” We turned on the headlights, and got one last shot. I’m so glad Brett trusted me and was willing to go with all of my ideas.
I absolutely love how all of Brett’s images turned out, and we still have one more shoot to do on the baseball field, so stay tuned!
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