A Night to Shine

It’s so fitting that my very first blog post would be about using my talent to give back and honor God. I had the absolute privilege of taking photos at A Night to Shine, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. I can’t even begin to describe how full my heart was after leaving the event. It was the perfect intersection of using what I’m so passionate about, photography, to serve others.

It was an incredible night, and I could barely hold it together emotionally for a good hour or so into the event! As each guest arrived, they got to walk a red carpet lined with cheering fans, and then stepped over to the Night to Shine backdrop where I took their picture. Then they were able to dance, eat, karaoke, take limo rides, and even get their hair and make up done or their shoes shined.

Each guest was treated as royalty, and as such, each guest was also adorned with a tiara or crown at the end of the night.

It’s a night that I will not soon forget, and I hope that I can volunteer at it again in years to come!
