So very merry (and busy!) this year!
It’s hard to believe that 2022 is almost over! As the kids get older (and I suppose my husband and I, too 🤪), it seems that each year passes by more quickly than the last.
The first half of the year began with a trip to Miami due to a conference for Ron. He’s still working at the hospital, and loves his job as executive director of applications. While in Miami, we enjoyed the warm climate, the beach, an evening boat ride and a walking architecture tour to learn all about Art Deco. In the spring, we took it up a notch with soccer and after a year of working very hard, our boy made the academy program with our local club. I knew this would be a two-for-one deal, and Ron stepped into competitive coaching again. It has been a joy to watch both of them do something that they love so much. The girls also stayed busy, with our oldest continuing dance and taking a few sessions of ice skating lessons, and our youngest having her first try at dance (she loves it!.
Summer: Chicago, birthdays and a remodel
We embarked on our first remodeling adventure and after patiently waiting through supply chain shortages and schedules, we were finally able to redesign the living room from ceiling to floor! This was our first remodel in our current home, and we really enjoyed putting our stamp of style on the space. While that was going on, Jill also celebrated a big birthday (40), and we celebrated our oldest’s birthday while in Chicago for a photography conference/family vacation. We loved the city, and did so many fun things, including a trip to the Art Institute, surprise tickets to Dude Perfect, a Chicago Fire game, Navy Pier and The Color Factory. We put a lot of miles on our walking shoes and also were navigating the train like pro’s by the end of our vacation. Jill also met many of her photographer friends from across the globe while attending the conference, and the girls even got to participate as models during a class. And in a last minute twist, we also stepped in for one of the class instructors and modeled for a family portraiture class. It was a great exercise in putting together outfits with what you’ve got in your suitcase!

Fall - another new normal
Summer went by in a blink and a major adjustment this fall was having all three kids in school. 5 months later, I think I’m still adjusting and still miss them when they are away! Contrary to what I thought would happen, I do not seem to have exponentially more time. The days fly by and my to-do list still seems to stay never ending! And with all three in school, I figured it was time to add more family members in the way of some cute furry felines and we welcomed Linus and Lucy into our family. We still have a tender spot for our first cat, Fosse, whom we lost last December. The kids still miss her, but the new kittens keep us on our toes and the kids like to point out how naughty Linus is (they are not wrong).
The soccer season really got going in the fall, with Academy games and our first foray into weekend tournaments. Even with busier schedules and more commitment, both of my boys can’t seem to get enough of it, and I love being a coach’s wife and soccer mom! The girls also still love dance, and are trying additional classes this year, which means more time in the car and at the studio but I love watching them flourish and don’t mind!
In November, we were able to get away again for a short trip to San Antonio while Mimi and Papa stayed with the kids. We enjoyed the River Walk, the Botanical Gardens, the beautiful historic hotel we stayed at (we’re told it’s haunted!) and the historic market square.
The most wonderful time of the year
And that brings us to December! While the month is sure to be busy yet again, we hope to be able to intentionally celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Our card this year says “Love has come” and it has a special little hidden meaning to us. The phrase comes from the lyrics of one of our kids’ favorite Christmas songs, “What a Glorious Night” by Sidewalk Prophets. When this song comes on, my heart swells when I hear my 3 kids clapping their hands and in their sweet little voices belting out the words. “Oh what a glorious night….I know that love has come, sing it out, Jesus Christ is born!” Click on the button below to take a listen!